Tuesday, February 7, 2012


sense:A mutation that results in a new codon still coding for the same amino acid in a polypeptide or protein. Usually due to a substitution mutation.

non-sense: mutation which replaces a codon for an amino acid with a codon for chain termination (UAG, UAA, or UGA). 

deletion: A type of gene mutation wherein the deletion (as well as addition) of (a number of) nucleotide(s) causes a shift in the reading frame of the codons in the mRNA, thus, may eventually lead to the alteration in the amino acid sequence at protein translation.

insertion: Mutations that result in the addition of extra DNA are called insertions. 

frameshift: In a frame shift mutation, one or more bases are inserted or deleted, the equivalent of adding or removing letters in a sentence.

point:  A point mutation is a simple change in one base of the gene sequence. This is equivalent to changing one letter in a sentence, such as this example, where we change the 'c' in cat to an 'h':

translocation: Translocations are the transfer of a piece of one chromosome to a nonhomologous chromosome. Translocations are often reciprocal; that is, the two nonhomologues swap segments.

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